Sunday, April 29, 2012

Things To Remember When Picking Produce

A passion for the freshest produce is something that stems through generations of our family. Gardening and ensuring the ingredients are as fresh as the walk from the garden to the back door is something that has carried me through life. The pride is shown not only by my Pop Pop but also by a very eager seven-year old me. Here are Mom-Mom's tips for selecting fruit found in her own words. 

Pineapple is ripe if the top center leaves pull out easily, distinct crevices surround each section, and fruit is pliable to touch. Quality fruit is heavy for size.

Cantaloupes are ripe if soft near stem end. Coarse netting on the green or gray rind. Sweet fine texture and pungent aroma.

Select bright, clean, fresh, fragrant, medium size, tart, well-shaped berries with green caps. They are highly perishable. Pick over carefully, spread on tray, refrigerate a short time. For best flavor and texture do not wash until just before using.

Buy mature, plump grapes, firmly attached to stem, high color for variety. Not moldy, wet or shriveled.
Buy for purpose! Concord grapes are especially good for juice or jelly, but any grape is good for salad or table use.

For slices or sections, buy thick-skinned oranges that are light for size. For juices buy thin-skinned oranges, heavy for size.

Quality apples are firm with good color. There is no shriveling of peel. Immature fruit lacks color and flavor.
For good looking baking apples, prick their skins before hand. They'll bake without bruising. 

There you have some tips and tricks to remember next time you are picking picking out produce whether at the grocery store, your local farm, or even as close as your back yard!

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